Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Discovering Breakfast

Breakfast is for sure my favorite time of  the day. There are so many possibilities. It sets the tone of your mood and daily activities, at least it does for me. If I have a less then perfect breakfast, it throws off everything else that I do. There is no other way to make me more "hangry" then skipping that first meal. By the time lunch rolls around, I'm so hungry and flustered that if you ask me what I want to eat, I can't even process my thoughts. I get so mad at myself that I skipped my first and favorite meal of the day, I wine loud enough for the whole world to hear. That being said, I really try not to skip breakfast. 

Everything has trends, even food. The latest trends in the world of breakfast seems to be these breakfast bowls. Its like a parfait transferred into a bowl, with more ingredients and, in my opinion, easier to eat. Parfaits always looked good to me, but I never wanted to take the effort to make one. Too many layers and steps for something so simple as breakfast. This is probably why people usually pick one up at their local deli instead of going through all the hoopla in their own kitchen. Breakfast shouldn't be stressful, and if it is, you're doing something wrong. 

It's a gloomy day here in New York. This makes motivation to do anything at an all time low. The clouds are grey and so is my mood. The first thing I do in the morning is go into my kitchen and figure out what I'm going to eat. On days like this, I prefer to make minimal efforts. First, I thought waffles. But, did I really want to stand over a waffle iron after making a batter from scratch? Nope, too much work. I thought maybe if I came back to bed, it will come to me. Instagram is great for times like these. Just search up some breakfast and brunch hashtags and there you have it, your next meal. As I'm searching, all I see are these fabulous breakfast bowls that you can just throw everything but the kitchen sink in. This seemed right down my alley on a day like this. 

This breakfast bowl was so easy to make. It was so colorful that it actually added a burst of brightness to this depressing overcast. All I did was mix some yogurt and almond milk so the yogurt had more of a smooth consistency. After, I took a handful of frozen blueberries and heated them up in a saucepan so the juices would get nice and runny. I sliced up some banana and then put a handful of granola right in the middle. Just like that I had my first breakfast bowl. I have a feeling im going to be   experimenting alot with this new trend. Thanks to breakfast bowls, it was a good morning.

Heres to many more 💕☀️

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